J Scott Smith


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Articles - May 5th, 2015

Fixing Overflow Scroll with Transformed Containers in Chrome

Found an issue on Chrome that occurs when transforming a container in 3d space and having its content set to overflow scroll. The content isn't properly hidden and displays outside the container. Fortunately, there's an easy fix.

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Articles - October 28th, 2014

Using Picturefill for Responsive, Art Directed Images in Statamic

Nowadays, users expect a website to look great no matter what device they're using but this can get tricky with viewport sizes and ratios being so drastically different from one another. Picturefill is a tool that enables support for the <picture> element, a developing polyfill that is quickly becoming a standard and will enable the ability to art direct images based on device sizes. I'm going to run through how I've used it in conjunction with Statamic's image transform tag.

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